Wednesday, March 23, 2016

I Love Videos!

Before today I had been reading and researching articles to help me better understand OCD. Today I had a lot of free time so I decided to look at videos on YouTube about OCD. I think better than the articles the videos really helped me understand the disorder as a whole and the actual struggle people face. After watching these videos I am even more excited about my idea. I attached the videos below so everyone can experience what I did.

I loveee this video because it explains a lot about the disorder that most people don't understand. For example, just because you wash you hand more than the average person or have to have everything in a specific order does not mean you have OCD. Something that shocked me was that people with this disorder can't control their actions, yet know that at times they are acting irrational.

I attached the video about Howie Mandel for a very specific reason. Even if people don't know who is, his face is usually familiar. Mandel is a comedian who has OCD and recently opened up about it. Before he spoke about it on the radio it was a secret only his closest friends and family knew. I really enjoyed this video because it connected a familiar face with the disorder. I really enjoyed the part where it went through his day and the reactions and struggles he goes through. I was very touched when he talked about his family and the actions he has to take because of OCD.

These two videos are not the only ones I watched, but the ones I found impacted and inspired me the most. The main thing I got out of all the videos that I hope people learn is that OCD is a serious disorder that people shouldn't assume they have or be proud when they show compulsive actions.

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