Thursday, March 17, 2016

Another Bright Light

Soon after I posted my last blog I texted Lianna about another idea I had. I don't even know how it came to me, but I thought of doing a film about OCD. My goal is for it to be about a teenage girl that has OCD and her morning routine. The opening would not state that she has OCD, but would be portrayed through her actions.

I was thinking of the opening being her morning routine. It would start be my her waking up and turning on the light three time. Then she would brush her teeth for let's say one minute and twenty three seconds. As you go through her house everything is in a specific other. As she leaves her house always wave to the same guy outside her house on her way to the car. Until the the day she doesn't see the guy...

I presented both the ideas of isolation and OCD to my peers in a class discussion and most of them like the OCD idea and feel it would be easier to portray. Some suggested the use of graphics in the video, so I will consider their idea. Many of my classmates also suggested types of music to include to make it more powerful and engaging.

Using such a sensitive and common disorder I am definitely  going to have to research a lot. I am going to try to interview someone with OCD  to make the film as accurate as possible and not offend anyone with this disorder.

I remember a few month ago I saw a Grey's Anatomy episode that dealt with one of the surgeons, Miranda Bailey, dealing with OCD and refusing to admit it. I feel this episode inspired my decision. I have uploaded the clip ...enjoy!

Http:// "Doctor Bailey Ocd Greys Anatomy." YouTube. YouTube, 04 Jan. 2016. Web. 22 Mar. 2016.

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